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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  February 5, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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it would force the owners of so called soft story buildings to spend thousands of dollars to retro fit. and there are lots of the buildings. abc 7 news is live in the marina, devastated by the earthquake. >> that is right this, is one of the hot spots during the loma prieta earthquake. all of these years later after buildings buck yellinged the city is in danger. >> the earthquake shook san francisco. nearly a quarter century later much of the city is vulnerable. >> this may be surprising is that the same building exists all over the city. you can find them in sunset
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and direction. >> david work was the stoi survey so called soft structures. buildings where the first story might be week because a wide open sprais space has been carved out. the city identified nearly 3,000 of the most dangerous staggering. >> 3,000 buildings, house close to 60,000 residents and 7,000 workers. and small businesses. the buildings trgited are wood frame built between 1978, three or more stories with five, or more units of housing. gavin news yom called for a mandatory measure. now, that is the plan. and the work could cost close
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to $150,000 one group is on board. >> i believe it's a burden to property owners financially and tenants having work done in bilgds but you put put a price on life safety. >> cording to supervisor hsu banks will offer financing package skptz retro fits will be phased in giving some property owners up to seven years to get job done. >> building owners and industry understands that you pay now or later. >> under this legislation building owner that's don't scarlett letter posted on their building warning tenants the building has in the been retro fitted. >> thank you. >> kroevr over cities banning
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medical marijuana dispensaries. abc 7 news mark matthews attend that had special skpegs here now with more for us. >> it's rare. they'd allow cameras in and meet at the university of san francisco law school andj( ÷ ths pits the city against a medical marijuana dispensary. riverside is not alone. 150 local governments banned december pens skpriz medical marijuana users say it's a throat their well being. >> if you can't find a local dispensary in tour town to purchase it, then what are you supposed to do? >> this argument lines up well with the dispensary argument. >> issues before the court is whether municipality may ban what state law has made lawful.
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>> but the attorney ran ni chorus of question frtz court over a city's right to regulate land use. >> what i need to you respond to this zoning authority question. >> the core of the case is land use regulations. >> legislature knows how towl say0"5o thou shalt not ban december pens riz. they didn't say that. >> that is the opposite of what the legislature was trying to accomplish to make this available. >> but the city of riverside attorney argued it could be available with a ban through cult vacation co-ops. >> this is an effort to regulate in an area. so it's just but one method. >> the chief of police says there is no ban on co-ops
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growing medical marijuana as long as they don't tell sel it ask don't december pens to it people not amongst the co-ops. december pens riz are a money maiblging venture, a business. >> the supreme court has 90 days to make the decision. we$ú should know if the ban will stand. the reason they're holdingely it today is that school is sell briting it's 100 university. >> good open opportunity. >> thank you very much. >> you beat we want to take you back now to breaking news forestville. >> abc 7 newsb8e3÷ is joining us live tonight wlt latest from police. >> as mejsed we're not far from the entrance to the ranch and wibry just off 116 and forestville. this is the son noma county wine country sprawling with
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vineyards and the sheriff's department got a call. a woman says her boyfriend found three dead male victims inside of the home. one was the boyfriend's brother. investigators won't say how they died and have to the released names of the dead. we have an ideaá[ymx of who owns this home but don't have confirmation as to whether that person lived here or rents it out. so again, three bodies found here this afternoon. police calling it a triple homicide. reporting live in forestville i'm allen wong abc 7 news. >> a murder friday night has raised quest™/z about safety of the event happening on the first friday of each other.
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under review. nick? >> absolutely. we just left the court house hours ago. you know oakland first event is a thing of pride for the city. event continues to grow in popularity bringing thousands of people to downtown oakland. that is part of the problem. oakland mayor says the first event has been successful. pointing out the fact since it started in 2007 it's only grown to include more vendors people and national attention. >> we've gone six year was out incidents. >> the shooting left an 18-year-old dead and five others injured. the man accused of killing him is a 19-year-old donald everett parks junior. today they spoke out about the killing including a plan of enforcement of current laws around alcohol, scaling down size of the event and bringing
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in more money to pay for it all. >> this is sort of like what mardi gras is to new orleans. we have every month. >> internation yol yal spotlight made it a big event. >> the president of oakland admits there have been growing pains but since the shooting should not superside seed attention the event brings to downtown businesses. he says what happened is not unique to oakland its not specific to first friday and anything else, it's about ending the gun violence. >> and until that gun violence ends,. >> i feel like we should drop the word art from it. >> the owner and operator of coal frames says he wants no part of art murmer. geared towards bars food and restaurants not art. >> i stopped doing it because
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the business end of it wasn't matching up to what ways putting into it. >> travis went on to tell me those who spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on art would often be uncomfortable fighting their way through the crowd. now, city leaders tell me they're dedicated to keeping the event alive festive and safe. >> still ahead here tonight we're live tochl plain why gas prices have taken a sudden turn for the worse throughout california. >> also, reporting on the language used by the governor in zrik a campaign to steal california jobs. dangers of using machines to tenderize beef. abc 7 news i team reports it
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some breaking news out of the pacific. hawaiian islands on alert for a possible tsunami after a large earthquake rattled the south pacific. an 8.0f]q.÷gnitude earthquake struck the solomon islands about an hour ago our time. deciding whether or not to issue a tsunami watch or a
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warning in those two areas. the warning is in effect for solomon island area. >> you probably already know there is a surge in bay area gas prices. tonight you're paying from $3.85 to $3.95 on average. prices urk see here are all about 22 cents higher than a week ago. so what is behind this increase? laura? >> well this surge in california has mostly happened in the past week, 24 cents per gallon on a gallon of regular unleaded. gas prices in california about 16 cents higher than they were this time laughter. the gas stations make transition from winter to summer blend but this increase is coming especially early
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this year analysts say it's a combination of shut downs planned and unplanned. >> the reason for gas prices to be going up is because of the refinery issues we've seen in the last several weeks. there have been planned and unplanned shut downs. gas stations are switching over to r to summer blend which prices go up. >> anna livets do not expect relief at the pumps and say consumers can expect prices to inch up in the weeks ahead f you'd like to know what is going on in your neighborhood or statewide you can find a link to that information on our web site. in martinez abc 7 news. >> laura, thank you very much.
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>> instead of a super bowl victory parade as we hope to have today, 49ers packed up and left their headquarters one by one, today, some spoke about the tough loss and >> locker room was fairly kiit. sunday's loss could be seen on every face. colon kaepernick says the team will pick itself up. >> defensive tackle voiced frustration as being so close to a win. >> we beat some of the best teams in the nfc. and to come up short, i know it hurt.v)qum >> players say now is the time to visit family and heal physically and he megsally. >> take days off and relax.
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and pick up. where we left off. >> no one is taking the loss harder than coach harbaugh. >> would have, could have. should have. it's undefeated and never failed. >> harbaugh wouldoño not comment on alex smith. >> he's got the appropriate amount of competitive fire when you need competitive fire. and prompt a happy and joy when it's the right time to have that. >> kyle williams summed up what team members told use there no fingerprint goinging on. you know? we're that close. and so we'll be back. >> the niners begin playing in
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the new stadium by training facility in santa clara in 2014. >> we're enjoying a cool down in weather. >> changing minute by minute. >> yes. >cñájvñ it. showers are coming in our direction here is a live view not here yet though. thl bright, sunset sometime ago. here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. clear skies at the moment. that live camera view just showed you. you can see that also thin clouds around some had dissipated and there are more on the way. looking at readings, 51 degrees$v right now. 54 across the bay in oakland. most loks into low 50s at the moment. forecast features mostly clear
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skies overnight. cold in spots and we'll see sunnier, milder conditions over the weekend. satellite shows the first front passing lieu right now this is a dry front bringing clouds second one is stronger bringing colder air with it and will be our next true weather maker.f')ñv there will be wet spots up in the north bay and perhaps reaching down along the coastline. we'll see the front swinging through by mid morning. parts of the peninsula, then, cold air coming behind it. late thursday night into early friday morning. some snow over higher bay area peaks like mount hamilton.
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that would be around midnight or so going into friday morning. showers sort of fizzle out top just widely scattered and isolated showers and colder air for friday. rainfall totals by friday morning not very impressive. inland locations along the coast maybe a quarter inch to half an inch. what does this mean in terms of snowfall. thursday, rain showers and snow showers on friday. it will probably not produce more than just a few inches of snow in lake tahoe area, back to the bay area, chilly in the interior valleys. lows will drop into 30s. low 40s around the bay and coastline. then, tomorrow, sunny skies
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california is joining 15 states and the federal government in filing a lawsuit
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against a major credit rating company. state attorney general filed the suit against standard & poor's today and made at announcement in washington. she says cal kl lost almost $1 billion after s & p inflated the rating. >>eh/put had in california seve, if not eight of the top 10 cities in cities hardest hit last year, our investigation show that's ratings played a role in the mortgage frenzy on wall street. >> standard and poor's says lawsuits were out legal merit oo. stan fran super visor called on the city retirement system to stop investing in firearms and fossil fuel companies. the board oversees a portfolio worth more than $15.5 billion. about $900,000 invested in gun related companies.
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supervisor says those companies do not share values of san francisco. >> we don't need to put our dollars there. for the word. good for the planet and communities. >> the board is expected to review it's firearm-related investments next month. >> a group of republican state lawmakers is questioning how cal sfir yugs a fire fee and wants it repealed. they sent the governor a qlert asking him to repeal the special fire tax. the request comes after reports that the california department of forest story placed $3.6 million into an off budget account. legislatureséaw@ñ want prosecuts to great. >> they cannot put money into a secret fund have it administered off the state books for the country district
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attorney association. that is almost criminal. >> cal fire spokesman saying it was posted on thef#[?t transparency pub web site.f&lex >> there is more still to come tonight. just ahead silicon valley leads the way towards a national recovery but not without competition from the rest of the bay area. >> a look at process by the meat industry to tenderize beef. it's not without risk.z(rñ
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silicon valley helping to lead the rest of the country out of the great recession. a rrt shows 46,000 new businesses opened last year and 92,000 new jobs. one analyst says the value gee back to where it was before the dot com bust a dozen years ago. >> there is a big difference is where jobs are being created. silicon valley had bragging rights but now is getting competition from san francisco. our region is at war with regard to who owns the brand of silicon valley. >> san jose pro claims it's the capitol of silicon valley, san francisco and the east bay are beginning to steal some of the its thunder. the latest index shows santal4qe clara and jant clara created
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42,000 jobs last year. the ceo says the war isn't a bad thing. >> it means we're creating a shared identity, a shared regional identity about development. that will then start to translate into seeing the region as a whole and having a line decision. >> the region having 27 separate transit agencies no incentive for workers to use public transit to work in the valley. >> you might have to take four operators a bus, to get to bart or cal train or on a bart train take it over to millbrae. switch it over to cal train. and switch to light rail. people don't do that.
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they drive. >> the bay area made up of 101 city was mayor who's have to answer to veters but as silicon valley becomes more of a regional identity it becomes everyone's business. >> economic forces are unifying forces for a reason. political forces may be dividing forces but overwhemd so i'm hopeful. >> and russell hancock warns it could be tempered if businesses cut back n tech spending. silicon valley continues off to outpace recovery. in san jose, abc news. >> access the index report we have a link for you on abc 7 >> check it out when you have time. a naigs name well known, dell
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announced plans to go private. that is the opposite of what many young start ups are doing. michael dell teamed up with microsoft. the deal valued at $24 billion aluz owners to attempt to turn around away from the pressures of wall street. dell was once the largest computer maker. because of the rise of smart phones lost a third of its market value in just the past year. hewlett-packard says it might go after customers who have doubts about dell's opportunity to make i come back. >> stockp'< prices moved higher today following a snurj prices and new signs of improvement in europe. news was especially good if you're get rgd to sell. demand is growing and number
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of homes for sale is low. prices climbed in december, biggest year to year jump in six and a half years. revenues were up, profits zwi)] good enough to send stocks a new high today. >> tonight our abc 7 news i team has a look at a common practice that has food safety advocates worried. >> raising new questions about how much you get to know bhaet you eat. >> we first told but meat glue. now, another practice that is not well known. tenderizing meat by machine using needles or blades. safety of the practice is being deeb yaited right nout. >> industrial videos posted to you tube show how tenderized meat is made. large tough pieces are punctured with with needles,
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breaking down the fibers into more desirable beef. sometimes water ors7[ç marinadd is injected. >> it's another way for our industry to get as much profit as they can out of meat that otherwise consumers may not have been interested in. >> the problem is that you don't know you're eating it. it doesn't look any different but advocates warn people need to know what they're dealing with. here is the reason. needles can push bacteria from outside of the meat into the center. like hamburger have you to cook it threw. >> we're advocating for is a label on it. >> this doctor has been pushing the issue since swait. the founder of a nonprofit. >> and i'm passionate about this. >> a tragedy in 2001 turned near a relentless advocate.
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>> my two and a half year old son contracted e coally went from being healthy to being dead in 12 days. >> her story and crusade became part of the 2009 oscar nominated documentary food inc. part of the campaign to get the federal government to label meat. >> very a right to know what i'm putting into my bodyú&+
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>> this professor says there is a risk but just how big of a right after this sk still in question. they want the government to study that issue before moving forward with the label. >> there is certainly nudge wrong with giving people information as long as it doesn't undually frighten them about the products they consume. there are a warning labels, labels on meat products alt the retail level. >> usda estimates 18% of all steaks and roasts in the u.s. are tenderized including meat sold in stores but according to one trade group that 18% is a lowest mitt. the north american meat association says they surveyed just one part of the market. hot yet trade and found 80% to 90% of the beef there is mechanically tenderized. and say sez the industry won't commit without a right after
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this tok study. >> we're not trod say whether or not anything different would be done. >> there have been recalled neat was tenderized and in cases marinated here in the u.s.. data from american meet institute lists six recalls. during the latest, at least 21 people got sick in 16 states including california z that is the bottom line for whistle blower groups like food integrity campaign. >> it's been associated with illness. still arks apparently not enough illness to justify a simple label. a simple label. so consumers can make informed decisions about what they eat. >> it's been almost a year since sending the propose yl to the white house. both sides say they're gearing up. now, your best bet is to cook that steak all the way through just to be safe.
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>> british parliament takes a big step on same-sex marriage. big step on same-sex marriage. >>lking
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to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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president obama today urged congress to pass a short term budget fix and postpone a massive package of automatic spending cuts. three and a half weeks from now. but the president says congress needs more time to come up with a permanent solution for reducing the deficit. >> we should give them the chance to come up with the
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budget instead of making cuts costing us jobs and significantly slow down our recovery. >> the president says the u.s. economy is poised for progress in the coming year and predicted it will fall below the $1 trillion mark. >> sources tell ap tonight the pentagon is ready to offer limited benefits to same-sex partners of gay service members. likely toin clud health and welfare benefits. dpeens secretary has not made a decision because federal law prohibits him from recognizing same-sex marriages. british lawmakers voted in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. legislation would enable same-sex couples to get married in civil and religious ceremonies. the prime minister championed the bill despite opposition from within his party. before it becomes plau it must
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still pass the house of lord autos as we continue here, coming up, governor brown's response to a texas raid on california jobs. >> and
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because gas prices are high it turns out we're driving less but spending more time in traffic. san francisco oakland area is tied did w.lngs langs for having the second worst congestion if the country
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behind behind washington, d.c.. a study shows drivers spent 61 hours in traffic jams and wasted $1200 wornl of time and gas. >> texas trying to steal away our jobs, taken to the air wave was a message from their governor. and as nannette miranda reports our governor has had choice words when asked about this job porching campaign. >> building a business is tough. i hear building a business in california is next to impossible. this is rick perry. i have a message for california businesses. come check out texas. >> texas governor rick perry launched a campaign this week to lure california businesses and job as way with what he calls low taxes and sensible regulations. california governor jerry brown dismissed efforts which only spent $25,000 for air time. >> this this war of words
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illustrates the bitter relationship between the nation's two biggest states. business leaders have ranked california has a bad place to do business. some in the business community say governor brown should be paying attention. >> a current administration treats it as a joke. >> around mcclear worked for arnold schwartzeneggar and tried to convince businesses to stay in california. >> the taxes ever are high. regulations, there are a lot of things keeping them from being able to innovate and to grow skbis create job autos brown acknowledges poaching does happen but an office called go biz. >> you go where gold s they're coming to california because this is where it is. >> there are examples of businesses coming into the golden state. ups unveiled electric vehicles international built trucks in california after choosing to
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relocate from mexico. >> we find california to be competitive. and. >> his first advise jit with animation in oxnard. >> well, a citizen organization of tech professionals is going to work with the city of oakland. providing winners to help city governments work together. oakland is one of 10 cities in america benefiting this year from having these fellows. 26 men and women are relying on grants to pay small salary was benefits of making a difference. >> you create a new could dialogue that is about citizens and city working together instead of, you know, clashing.
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>> that is great experience, let's focus on the weather skbt train. >> just day as way this, is a time lapse view from mount tam. and it's mainly clear at this hour. you can see they're moving into our direction and bringing showers here, mainly sunny skies and dry conditions. mild over much of the state. and here in the bay area, sunny skies and temperatures up to about 60s into mildest locations. here is the accu-weather forecast. so thursday, showers arrive. it's going to be some cold air arriving with showers so higher peaks are late thursday night into early friday morning so co-see hit light snow showers.
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we get dry conditions friday and sunnier, milder weekend including first couple days of the week. >> and dry weekend too,. >> a small but sweet consoleation for losing super bowl. jello pudding snacks. jello promised to hand out thousands of snacks to the loser of the game. this was the first of several stops throughout the city today. puding to soothe wounds of the super bowl. >> yes we needed it. >> or a shot. >> okay. coming up in sports we'll have more from niners they clean out lockers and what collin
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a tsunami warning for the hawaiian islands has been lifted following a quake in the south pacific. >> we'll talk a little sports
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this, is the day we thought and hoped we'd have a parade for the 49ers. >> we had jello pudding pops. it was a somber mood today. layers -- players cleaned out their lockers. the sting is going to haunt this team fr a little while. collin kaepernick plans to start training with teammates in atlanta. >> we put in a lot of work. >> do you think it helped make you better as a football player? >> it's good to get experience we should have won that game. it wasn't our time. last year you look we made progression. in where we are. this year, we would have
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stopped inform the next step so. it's about progression now we have to have faith in next year. >> starting out saying you know get this to the super bowl. we came up short in the game. and so this is disappointing but excited to get back to work. >> move on we had a great season. great year and teammates. >> next thing is get r & r. and start thinking about how they can get an edge. >> as we saw jim harbaugh hates to lose and doesn't care what people think of his side line behaveo, today he was asked if he would take it down a notch. >> in terms of what? >> et yi ket.
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>> we fight to win. and you know if you're asking does my personal etiquette need to be changed be catatonic on the side line don't anticipate that happening. >> yes. i don't think that is going to happen. >> in ballot morks purple rain as ravens celebrated. thousands of fans dressed in purple lined stleets and cheered. the route went by city hall. ed read breck out in song. >> we got... two tickets to paradise! pack your bags we can leave tonight. woah! wo! champions baby, baltimore. >> this is our time.
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we brought home another crown. it's two for me. it's two for me. the city of baltimore. i love you. forever. >> the warriors in houston tonight the first stop m a tough four game in five night road trip. rockets love to run. jeremy lind two of his first round points. jared jack answers for golden state. warriors go by 15 at the brake right now. rockets lead early in the 4th quarter, not much in houston tonight. >> join me tonight at 9:00 coming up next we're all familiar with robotic vacuum, now, imagine one cleaning a cell phone. >> a special report on a
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surgery leaving patients looking younger and slimmer, big improvements that has some patients feeling better. >> younger, slimmer? like the sound of that. >> that is our report from. all of us here at abc 7 news, all of us here at abc 7 news, thanks for joining us.
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this is the "jeopardy!" teen tournament!
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today's contestants are -- a senior from mound, minnesota... ...a senior from westport, connecticut... ...and a senior from lexington, kentucky... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! and i am so thankful, johnny, that you did not introduce me as a senlso. [ laughter ] welcome, ladies and gentlemen. this is the last of our quarterfinal matches. the winner today will join the other semifinalior, a and remember -- we have those four wild-card spots for the high scorers among non-winners. joe, emily, barrett, good luck. here we go. jeopardy! roists. these are the categories. und. that's what ve to do.
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alex: of course you're getting nervous, it's just... barrett, start us. i'll have getting nervous for $200, please. joe. what are butterflies? right. getting nervous for $400. barrett. what are jeebies? yes. i'll have nervous for $600, please. emily. what are pins and needles? that's right. completes the book title for $200, please. joe. what is "the kite runner" yes. completes the book title for $400. joe. what are stars? right. $600 on completes the book title. barrett. what are titan? yes. completes the book title for $800, please.


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